Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

English for Nursing


Text 1

    A few months ago, Kathleen (1)... her knee in a volleyball game. Her doctor (2)... her to rest her knee and (3)... a bandage. Simmons, a spons writer for a city newspaper, (4)... to play volleyball. When her doctor's (5)... did not work, she thought she (6)... never play again.

1. a. has injured
    b. injured
    c. injury
    d. is injured
    e. has been injured
2. a. tells
    b. is telling
    c. was telling
    d. has told
    e. told
3. a. wear
    b. wears
    c. is wearing
    d. was wearing
    e. wore
4. a. love
    b. loved
    c. loves
    d. is loving
    e. will love
5. a. advice
    b. advised
    c. has advised
    d. is advising
    e. advises
6. a. would
    b. will
    c. will be
    d. would be
    e. will being

7. Some patients, becauss of the long services ... the hospital early.
    a. take out
    b. took out
    c. will take out
    d. have taken out
    e. are taking out

8. The patient ... when the doctor ... to the clinic.
    a. slept, was coming
    b. was sleeping, come
    c. was sleeping, came
    d. was sleeping, was coming
    e. slept, was coming

9. Before Maria had come to the hospital, the surgeon ... doing the operation.
    a. finished
    b. had finished
    c. was finished
    d. will finished
    e. is finished

10. The burse usually... to watch his hospital last year.
    a. comes
    b. came
    c. come
    d. has came
    e. had came

11. The patient... TV evwry night when the nurse left the room.
    a. watched
    b. watches
    c. watch
    d. is watching
    e. will watch

12. I was at the hospital the day before when Maria... to hospital this morning.
    a. went
    b. goes
    c. would be
    d. will go
    e. had gone

13. The doctor... the achieved doctor this time.
     a. is
     b. was
     c. is being
     d. will be
     e. will being

14. The room... bad because it's seldom to be...
     a. is smell, cleaned
     b. smells, cleans
     c. smelt, cleaned
     d. smells, cleaned
     e. is smell, cleaned

15. The nurse... to the patient at this moment.
     a. talking
     b. is talking
     c. talked
     d. has talked
     e. talks

16. Susan... the assesment to her patient the day before.
     a. did
     b. does
     c. do
     d. has done
     e. will do

17. Robert... palpation to the patient now.
     a. did
     b. is doing
     c. has done
     d. will do
     e. does

18. You... in the ICU when the doctor...
     a. are, is arriving
     b. are, arrived
     c. were, arrived
     d. were, is arrived
     e. have been, arrived

19. We...together this afternoon
     a. study
     b. studies
     c. are going to
     d. studied
     e. will be

20. Every year Mr. Tavarez...Indonesia
     a. visit
     b. is visiting
     c. visited
     d. visits
     e. has visit

21. I was talking when I...to rain
     a. start
     b. starts
     c. is starting
     d. started
     e. will start

22. Tom...TV while Jim koncked on the door
     a. was watching
     b. watched
     c. is watching
     d. has watched
     e. had watched

23. After Sharon...a letter, she went to bed
     a. wrote
     b. has written
     c. had written
     d. was writing
     e. would write

24. We're late. The party...
      a. is just started
      b. just started
      c. will jist started
      d. was just started

Text 2

      For the operation, the doctor put a very small camera lens inside the joint. The special lens (25)...back pictures, which (26)...on a television screen. The doctor then (27)...a tiny surgical instrument. As he (28)..., he could see the inside of the patient's joint on the TV. With the help of the large picture on the screen, he was able to make very accurate repairs without (29)...her joint.
25. a. sends
      b. send
      c. sending
      d. has sent
      e. sent
26. a. appears
      b. is appearing
      c. appeared
      d. has appeared
      e. will appeared
27. a. inserts
      b. insert
      c. inserted
      d. has inserted
      e. will insert
28. a. is working
      b. work
      c. works
      d. has been working
      e. worked
29. a. opened
      b. opens
      c. has opened
      d. is opening
      e. opening

30. Muscle that work together to cause a movement are...
      a. antagonists
      b. fixator
      c. convergent
      d. prime movers
      e. synergists